Google Analytics For Mac

Here's how you can block Google Analytics and stop it from tracking you on your Mac. Open a terminal window. Type in the following command then hit Enter: sudo nano /private/etc/hosts 3. What scheme to format usb for linux on mac. Enter your password, then hit Enter. A text file will appear, you can move around it by using the arrow keys on your keyboard. Find the spot where “ localhost” appears, and paste in these three lines: 6. Press Control+O.

Google Analytics For Mac

Question: Q: iWeb and Google Analytics on.mac Has anyone found an uncomplicated way of inserting Google Analytics code into iWeb sites, hosted on.mac? Using widgets results in widget page impressions on Analytics and are not the best solution.

Press the Enter key again. Press Control+X to close the editor. For more, see the original article at the link below. XPosure Pro.